About Client
Sayurbox is an application platform for the distribution of fresh products such as vegetables, fruit and other basic necessities.
Login & Register with Phone Number
Increase registration rate from 16% to 30% (80%)
Increase monthly activation rate (register to first order) from 34% to 37% (10%)
Multiple Address
Simplify the process of adding addresses
The General Process
01 - Hypotheses Forming
Do a context understanding and list of hypotheses based on the Sayubox data.
02 - UI Design
We proceed to the moodboard, and explore the design, from the existing context
03 - Usability Testing
This process is carried out to determine whether the application that has been designed is in accordance with the predetermined scenario, and ascertain whether there are still features that the user is still confused about.
04 - Iteration
After usability testing was done, we were able to find some flaws in the application and from these shortcomings we immediately fixed it again
/Hypotheses Forming
Identified Problem
From the data provided by the Sayurbox team, the main problems are :
Login with Phone Number
Drop di register rate (16%)
Low add to cart to purchase (18%)
Low Install to register
Flow for register is still a quite a hussle
Multiple Address
Drop Rate 27.58% to 4.81% from checkout to change address
Still a complicated way for user to change form one address to another.
Target Market
Key market
3 Bigest current segment by age:
23 - 27 y.o 19%
28 - 31 y.o 25%
32 - 35 y.o 20%
Not really into e-mail, familiar with phone number. Mostly use phones for a few main purposes (e.g Whatsapp for communication, social media -> This might inform us design-wise that the login process should be as familiar as login to social media platform)
Traditional Flow
Login with Phone Number
Multiple Address
How do we provide
services to user ?
/UI Design
Redesign Login & Register Flow
In this redesign of the login or register page, we chose to remove the banner that previously existed in the application,
because the banner does not have any information and takes up a lot of space.
In this case, the user can enter using the cellphone number and email in the 1 form provided.
And we also changed some of the login or register button options (login with google, facebook, and apple)
to make it simpler and more minimalistic
Login with phone number
/UI Design
Multiple Address
This feature helps the user to be able to add several addresses in the Sayurbox application.
So that the user can save several addresses to buy the desired vegetable.
Users can also change and delete previously added addresses. And users can label their addresses.